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Articles in Category: Wellness Rooms Scottsdale AZ

Smart wellness rooms with healthy lighting, water, and air are a must-have for luxury homes in Scottsdale, AZ. Call Desert Sound and Security to learn more.

Attract New Clients With Biophilic Wellness Room Solutions

Set yourself apart by offering integrated wellness packages for new builds and retrofits

Attract New Clients With Biophilic Wellness Room Solutions

Health and wellness are more important than ever to homeowners overseeing a new build or families looking to revamp their homes with modern comforts. As an interior designer, architect or home builder, you can bring immense value to the table by offering your clients integrated wellness technologies they can use to create biophilic wellness rooms at home.

When you partner with Desert Sound and Security for your next home build or retrofit in Scottsdale, AZ, we’ll work alongside you to install the smart technologies your clients want for a healthy living environment. Keep reading to learn more about the systems we provide for wellness-focused, biophilic spaces. 

TAGS: Biophilia | Home Automation | Wellness Technology

Desert Sound & Security
20650 N 29th Place, Suite 100
Phoenix, Arizona 85050

Phone:  (877) 246-5458

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